About Us
CustomCareGiftBoxes was born after many years of creating care packages and gift baskets for friends and family, for all occasions. We found that pre-made items often left us with gifts that were not customized to the likes and needs of our friends and family for whatever occasions we were marking. So we made our own.
When our daughters went off to college, we spent lots of time customizing care packages containing their favorite things that we knew would remind them of home and make them feel special.
Now their college years are almost complete and Danny is retired from a long career as a firefighter. We have a bit more time on our hands and are spending our time making care packages and baskets that will reach many people, put a smile on their faces, and brighten their days.
-Sandy and Danny
P.S. We love to bargain hunt and pass on the savings to you - so sometimes our inventory may change a bit.